Saturday, April 14, 2012

Zachary's Early Birthday Gift....

 Being silly with Pluto
WOW!! Mickey Mouse

Loving the Carrousel
Look who we found.....Mr.Pa-Po
What a better way to start celebrating Zachary's birthday than at Disneyland! Mommy and Daddy took the day off from work as we spent the day going on rides and taking pictures with so many of the characters. Zachary was so happy and of course loved every character as well as the rides. The weather was beautiful and we had a great time!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fun times at the library

We went for story-time to the local Del Air library to celebrate Dr. Seuss's Birthday. After story time we all lined up and walked outside for some yummy yellow and purple snacks. It was a nice day to sit outside and enjoy the sun. We all had a great time!! Thanks Auntie Janelle for inviting us....
 This picture is too funny.
Gigi (that was a funny joke..ha ha) 
Zach (I don't get it)  

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

St. Paddy's Day

 Mommy's "Good Luck Charmer" that's me!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Happy V-Day!!

Muchos Besos from The Brown Family!!!
 Mommy's Heartthrob :)
 I got Mr P Head aka "Pa-Po" from G'ma and GP
 Silly boy...
Breakfast with Pa-Po

My First Day of "School"

Zachary had his first day of Toddler School November 1st. and not just for a few days, but every day Monday through Friday. Accompanied by mommy and daddy on the first day, mommy cried A LOT!! It was very hard on all three of us and a bit overwhelming. This is a hefty schedule for a little boy such as himself, but Zachary has grown to like and LOVE school. Mommy and daddy are also very happy to see him enjoying school. Zachary is surrounded by good and fun kids all day. He gets to play a lot and he’s made lots of new friends.

 I'm ready for school!!
 Let me look around....
 oh HI! I'm Zachary
 You want to share with me??? I like you Reagan
 I like this place, it has cool toys!!
 This is Teacher Stephanie and Zachary's favorite corner.
Look at all the books!
 This is where "My Family" picture will be, just in case I miss Mommy and Daddy
 Yeah ...I like my school!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Cottone & Sons Pumpkin Patch

 Zachary was sleepy at first but he had TONS of energy after....
 They had cool scarecrows, not so scary for Zachary 
 Too excited that Mommy had to hold me for a pic
 Abuelita Sanchez came along with us, she's visiting from Guatemala

 Look at me.....not so afraid to touch the sheeps
 Nice goat
 ok not too close please....

 Having fun climbing all over the pumpkins're pretty
This little girl was so cute, same age as Zach and with the same energy too!!

We got into the Halloween spirit and picked out the perfect pumpkin that once again Daddy will carved a jack-o-lantern masterpiece! Last year we visited Cottone & Sons Pumpkin Patch, located in Torrance which is very close to home. We had so much fun last year that we decided to do the same this year. It has LOTS of pumpinks, pony rides, three jumpers and a petting zoo. Is a good size patch, big enough to keep Zachary running around. We will be posting Daddy's masterpiece very soon! Happy Halloween!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

My new desk

Mommy and Daddy bought Zachary a cool “Cars” desk! It has a red cup holder, a little storage underneath where Zach keeps all of his toys and books and everything else he finds. It has a good seat to practice for school too! This is also Zachary’s favorite seat to read a book or have his yummy snacks while watching TV.