boths of us kids are ready!!!
Don't get too close to me...
G'ma and llama comparing hair notes
GP and the llama comparing notes about G'mas morning hair
I like ponies
GP and Zach trading hats
This is the closest he got to any animal
Can someone pick me up now
Good times with the Family
by this time Zachary was in need of a LONG nap...
Mommy posing with Grandpa
Here comes our train....
Enjoying the train ride with my books!
There’s nothing like taking an Amtrak train ride with the family and going to a Petting Zoo. We decided to go to Zoomar's in San Juan Capistrano. It was a fun day to spend with Cousin Gianna, Aunties, Uncle and grandparents. We all had a really great time.
The petting zoo was so much fun! We purchased carrots to feed the animals and although Zachary was not into feeding or touching the animals everyone else enjoyed it. There were lots of bunnies and guinea pigs, horses, llamas. Zach did enjoy the ride on the small train as well as the pony ride.
After the zoo we all headed to El Adobe for delicious Mexican food. Then we walked over to downtown San Juan and found a cute park to play at. After the park it was time to cool off with yummy yogurt!! Oh yeah the train ride was a huge hit, Zachary was such a good boy and he loved it too. We look forward to our next visit to Zoomar’s!