Sunday, May 22, 2011

April 22 - Birthday Boy!!

Zachary turned ONE!!!! We celebrated by having a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse themed party at Highlands Park in San Pedro. It was overcast in the morning, but we ended up having a sunny day. It turned out to be a great day. Our friends and family showed up and we played at the playground, threw around plastic balls and we even had an unexpected pinata. We had a taco guy come and cater for us; everyone thought the food was delicious. We’re so glad about the food because it was our first time having this taco guy. We ordered cupcakes from Torrance Bakery. They all had Mickey’s face on them which were yumm-O!!!

Thank you everyone for helping us celebrate Zachary’s especial day and for all of the great presents! Zachary is amazed with all of the new toys he gets to play with every day!

Zachary’s 12 month update, the doctor was happy to see Zachary growing where he should be.

Height: 32 - 3/4 inches (95%)
Weight: 23 lbs 8oz (65%)
Head: 47 1/2 cm (80%)
This means Zach is just like Daddy….tall, lean and with a BIG head.

 I LOVE the Happy Birthday song!!!
 Posing with cousin Caden
 This bike is for me??? Thanks Grandma and Grandpa...
 GP and "uncle" James ....don't you two talk to anyone?

 My 1st birthday cupcake!
 come on G'ma let's get the ball....
 silly aunties

 cousins Emily and Pily
 Auntie Astrid and "aunties" Jenn and Allison
 All my gifts. A BIG thak you to cousin Byron for making the AMAZING Mickey figures 
G'ma if you're waiting on me, you're going backwards....
come on Grandma hurry before Grandpa gets us!

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