Thursday, June 10, 2010

Since We've been gone

Sorry we haven't posted since Mother's Day, hence the title of this post. Go ahead, we'll wait until you're done singing the Kelly Clarkson, not High Pitch Eric, jingle, "Since you've been gone". "Who's High Pitch?"(<- you tube the quote & you'll get the High Pitch reference). In the last month Zachary has gone from sleeping 2 - 2 1/2 hours to almost 4 hours. It's the small achievements in life that count. Pun intended. Zach is also staying awake for longer periods of time during the day. For Memorial Day weekend we went over to GP's and Grandma's and Uncle "Chuck" Elmo's house for a mini vacation at the beach. We went down on Thursday and stayed until Tuesday morning. It was a refreshing and "first" vacation together as a family. Elmo was so excited that he helped unpack Zach's clothes from his bag. We continuously had to keep his bag away from Uncle "Chuck" because he loved having Zach's soft clothes in his mouth. Silly dog.
On Friday, we were out and about running errands with Grandma. The entire time Zachary slept, even when we went to the mall. Obviously Zach is taking after his father as he could have cared less about "window shopping." Going to the mall wasn't just a ho-hum experience. Grandma was shopping for PJ's for Zach when she noticed a little girl about 3-4 crying looking for her mom. Grandma chased after her a just as she picked her up to look for her mom and for the Mall Cop (Paul Bart?), the little girl's Grandma appeared right behind us, taking her back to her Mom. Ohh GOD!!!
Saturday was a day of many firsts!!! Mom, Grandma, Auntie Jenn and Auntie Morgan took Zach on his first picnic and first park. They spent the day watching Cousin Caden play in the playground all the while asking if his little cousin Zach could come and play. Caden was told not yet, along with Zach STILL not being able to eat oatmeal. What is it with Caden wanting Zach eating oatmeal? As for Dad, he got to go out and play his first round of golf in five years with Uncle Tony and Uncle Matt. As for how he did, don't ask. He was just happy to get back out there and swing the sticks again.
Saturday night we took Zach out for his first night of sushi (Kabuki in HB) with Auntie Jenn and Auntie Morgan. It was our first time going out for sushi since we found out Zach was on the way last August. Needless to say, it was a night to remember. Not only did the Lakers win and advance to the NBA Finals, but we also got to see a belligerent drunk woman sitting next to Auntie Jenn not only stumble around the restaurant looking for the bathroom, but eventually getting kicked out by restaurant management and thrown out and arrested by the HB PD. FUN TIMES!!!
Sunday GP and Ben did a little bit of yard work and then supervised as Uncle Tony came over and did a little yard work for GP too. We then had the traditional Memorial Day BBQ'd. Monday was a day for chilling and enjoying our final day of vacation with GP and Grandma!!

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