Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Doctor's visit

Zachary had his second doctor's visit yesterday. This trip went much better than the last as we made it on time and no "blowing it out" incidents. Zach has gained all of his weight back and then some. He now weighs 7pds. 6oz. and as the Doc said to us, he's a healthy baby boy. On the way home however, he wasn't happy and tired from being poked by the doc. Such a tough life for a two week old. We tried to go to Babies R Us, but he wasn't having it, so Dad had go in all by himself and pick up some essentials while Mom calmed him down. When we got home, he slept like a champ, but once he awoke, he was up from 4:30 til 10, needless to say not only was he tired and unable to go to sleep, we were tired from trying to settle him down. Ahh yes, you could say this was our first, "Pull your hair out moment." No matter what we did, he wasn't having it. He would doze off for a few minutes and then eyes wide open, saying to us, just kidding!!! Eventually he fell asleep and we did too. Thankfully we all slept well last night.

1 comment:

  1. Good Doctors appointments are always good news! He looks so cute in brown.I think we need to see more pictures of mommy! Good luck with the pull your hair out moments, I think im going to start buying Rogaine for mine they are becoming way to common. :)
